Every two months or so, Dead by Daylight gets a new Chapter. Almost every time, these Chapters add a new Killer, and the next one is always the most exciting because players can’t wait to spook everyone with their murderous skills.
As an asymmetrical horror game, Dead by Daylight relies on a mix of Killers and Survivors so the player base can continue to enjoy the procedurally generated Trials and live the terror it brings to life. Every new Chapter changes how the game feels as players dive into the new meta and work with the added Perks. Of course, it’s the next Killer, Survivor, and upcoming Chapter in general that players care about the most at any given time.
Related: Dead by Daylight: All Hatches Location
Explaining Who is the Next Killer in Dead by Daylight
The Unknown is the next Killer coming to Dead by Daylight with Chapter 31: All Things Wicked. This Chapter adds a new Killer, Survivor, and map for players to experiment with, but the most exciting part is definitely the Killer.
The Unknown is a mangled creature that resembles a human, but in reality, it looks more like some sort of cryptid wearing a human body as a skin. It’s too wide a smile and skin that doesn’t seem to fit scares us, and we haven’t even tried to play against it or as it is yet.
Dead by Daylight The Unknown Killer Explained

The Unknown is one of the creepiest original Killers we’ve ever seen in Dead by Daylight. It’s clearly some sort of creature wearing a human’s skin. Behaviour Interactive’s lore around the monster suggests that it’s been around for centuries. Murdering people in the forests surrounding Greenville without leaving a trace.
The Killer’s Perks, first showcased on the Dead by Daylight PTB, show it launching a ball at Survivors that weakens them if they’re too close to it. The Unknown can also cause hallucinations that trick them into seeing objects or the Killer while there’s nothing really there. Interestingly, The Unknown can cause hallucinations and teleport to them, similar to The Dredge, if it times its powers right, making it lethal in the hands of skilled players.
The Unknown adds three unique Perks to Dead by Daylight. First is Unbound, which speeds up the Killer’s movement after vaulting through a window. Unforeseen allows the Killer to give its Terror Radius to a generator for a short time, allowing it to sneak up on Survivors. Finally, Undone gives The Unknown the power to break generators more efficiently when Survivors fail skill checks.
Overall, it sounds like a great Killer for playing mind games with Survivors. It pays to spook them and cause them to miss skill checks or make silly mistakes more than it will to hook and sacrifice them immediately.