There are multiple Nursery Rhymes that you can find while playing Alan Wake 2, which require you to solve a riddle whenever you find one. There are numerous for you to track down while exploring the area of Bright Falls.
Each Nursery Rhyme has a unique riddle attached to it, and you’ll need to use the dolls you find throughout your playthrough to solve them. Some of these riddles may require you to find a nearby doll you have to use, changing the world around you. Here’s what you need to know about how to solve all Bright Falls Nursery Rhymes in Alan Wake 2.
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All Bright Falls Nursery Rhymes & How To Solve Them in Alan Wake 2

There are only a handful of Nursery Rhymes you need to track down in Bright Falls for your Alan Wake 2 playthrough. When you discover one, there will be a riddle at the center of it, and you’ll need to decipher the riddle, using the dolls you’ve collected along the way. The dolls need to be placed at the appropriate location surrounding the riddle. You might find a few while looking for the Cult Stashes of the Lunch Boxes hidden throughout the small towns.
When you complete the riddle, the world will change around you, and you’ll have to search around for the changes. The best way to track them down is to find the distinct, black liquid that appears on the ground after you complete each one, which should lead you to a charm. These charms are exclusively available for Saga in Alan Wake 2, providing unique passive bonuses that can change up her gameplay.
These are where you can find each Nursery Rhyme in Bright Falls in Alan Wake 2, and how you solve them.