Many of the locked doors and barred paths in Alan Wake 2 require you to solve a puzzle or find a particular item to use on them. When you’re in the Wellness Center, there’s a computer you need to access, and it requires you to use a password.
The password is tricky to figure out. The one who was creating the password, Blum, has hidden it somewhere in that room, and he’s using one of the various dates he’s circled on his calendar and a day that’s important to him. Here’s what you need to know about how to get the Wellness Center Password in Alan Wake 2.
What Is The Wellness Center Password in Alan Wake 2?

There are various hints that you can find scattered throughout the Security Office at the Wellness Center. You’ll want to look on the back wall of the room where you can learn that Blum has the various moon cycles circled and marked on the calendars for the last four months.
He’ll mark these times, and then you’ll want to read the letter he has sticking out of the file cabinet. You’ll learn that this is where Blum has his Cult of the Tree acceptance letter, showing he’s one of the primary antagonists of Alan Wake 2. This is the group that has been leaving the Cult Stashes, and is similar to the puzzles of the Nursery Rhymes you’ve discovered.
Now, the final thing you’ll need to do is make your way over to the left side of the room to learn the importance of those dates. You’ll learn that the acceptance letter from the Cult of the Tree arrived at Blum starting on August 15, 2023. However, Blum prefers to use the European way of formatting his dates, which means he posts the month first and then the day second, followed by the year.
For August 15, 2023, for example, it’s going to write out the numerical format with the month first, day second, and year third for a password. However, this is not the correct password; the one you need to mark down is 081723 for the Wellness Center Password. This is one of the moon cycles close to when Blum received his acceptance letter in Alan Wake 2.
When you enter this password into the computer at the Wellness Center, you can open it up and access it. You’ll be able to unlock all of the electronic locks in the Wellness Center and progress through the Alan Wake 2 campaign. I recommend that you open up the rest of the emails to learn more about Blum, and you’ll discover that he has a rifle in the next room, which you can add to your arsenal.