There are hundreds of Emblems for players to collect in Destiny 2, many of which are exclusive to those who were in the game at a specific period in time. Luckily, that’s not the case with the Adventurous Spirit Emblem, which anyone can pick up if they know how.
When it comes to collecting in Destiny 2, there are dozens of items with hundreds of variants for players to choose from. We started collecting Ghost Shells, but quickly realized we didn’t have the budget or the time required to grab every single one. However, there are players out there who love the grind required to get each weapon, Shader, or Emblem, and that’s what makes items such as the Adventurous Spirit Emblem so fantastic when they finally drop.
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How Do You Get the Adventurous Spirit Emblem in Destiny 2?

To get the Adventurous Spirit Emblem in Destiny 2, players must log into their Bungie account and use the redeem code “9FY-KDD-PRT” to add it for their character to use in-game. The official Destiny 2 Twitter account shared this code, and will work for all players regardless of platform because it’s used on Bungie’s website.
This Emblem was a reward for the community for getting 7,777,777 kills with Swords within the very short space of a week in January 2024. Players managed to smash this in just over six days, and the reward code was posted on Twitter.
The code for the Emblem was shared this way, which means that it will be available forever for all players to claim. So, as far as we’re aware, there’s no expiration date for the Emblem. Players also don’t need to buy anything to get this code as they do with others, such as Infinite Prismatic.
How to Claim the Adventurous Spirit Emblem for Destiny 2 on Bungie’s Website

To claim the Adventurous Spirit Emblem for Destiny 2 on Bungie’s Website, players need to visit the website and log into their account. The easiest way to do this is to head directly to Bungie’s redemption page. When players log in, they’ll be taken directly to the page where they can enter the Emblem code “9FY-KDD-PRT”.
Once the code has been entered, the Emblem will be added to the player’s account. They’ll see it pop up in their inventory or with the Postmaster if their inventory is too full. From there, players can equip it and see it on their character username when it’s visible.