It feels like you’ve faced a fair share of dragons in Granblue Fantasy: Relink, yet your inventory doesn’t have a single Dragon Scale to spare.
If you thought you were done with Granblue Fantasy: Relink‘s weapon level cap system after getting that Standard Refinium, you were wrong. You’ll consistently have to grind for rare items and monster parts to keep your weapons sharp and loaded. As you reach the endgame, you’ll want to keep your weapon’s damage output as high as possible, but the Blacksmith seems to be a bit picky when it comes to uncap materials. Here’s how you can farm Dragon Scales in Granblue Fantasy: Relink.
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How to Farm Dragon Scales in Granblue Fantasy: Relink

To get Dragon Scales in Granblue Fantasy: Relink, progress through the main story until you get to Chapter 0 and clear all Hard difficulty Counter Quests in Granblue Fantasy: Relink. This will give you access to the Rank-Up quest Wings of Antiquity, where you’ll face an Ancient Dragon that can drop up to nine Dragon Scales.
Chapter 0 is all about Id’s redemption arc as he takes on Rolan’s job as Mr. Fix It. As you finish the jobs Rolan Started, you’ll have to progress through three sets of difficulties in Counter Quests: Hard, Very Hard, and Extreme. The Wings of Antiquity quest allows you to farm Dragon Scales in Granblue Fantasy: Relink, but it’s unlocked after completing all eight Hard quests.

Once you’ve cleared this Counter Quest for the first time, it’ll be forever unlocked and accessible by speaking to the lady behind the counter. It’s the first quest in Very Hard difficulty, so expect this level 60 Ancient Dragon to give you a tough fight before it lets you have its scales in Granblue Fantasy: Relink.
Best Uses for Dragon Scales in Granblue Fantasy: Relink

Once you’ve got your hands on this Dragon’s Scales, all that’s left is to find the best way to use them. The first thing you should do after this boss fight is Uncap Weapon Levels at the Blacksmith in Granblue Fantasy: Relink.
Without Dragon Scales, your characters’ weapons won’t go above level 75. Having a strong offense will come in handy in the endgame content. So, make sure you uncap your characters’ weapon level and upgrade them with Fortified Shards, at least until level 100. Then, you can worry about getting Omega Animas.
Each S++ run of Wings of Antiquity will drop up to nine Dragon Scales in Granblue Fantasy: Relink, so you can only uncap nine character weapon levels. Plus, uncapping weapons up to level 150 requires Dragon Scales once more, so make sure to keep a few in your inventory.