As players make their way through the Olympic Exclusion Zone in Pacific Drive, they’ll encounter all sorts of strange wonders. Chief among these are Anchors, glowing balls that can be used with their car, but they won’t quite understand why until later.
Once players get to grips with their car and find a garage in Pacific Drive, they’ll have a long road ahead of them. Each mission, if they can be called that, requires them to head out into the Olympic Exclusion Zone and recover materials to help them with their escape plan. Every step of the way, they’ll need to keep an eye out for and recover Anchors, special items that are intrinsic to their survival, even if they don’t fully understand them at first.
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How to Find Anchors in Pacific Drive

To find Anchors in Pacific Drive, players must use their Ark Device map in their cars and look for yellow circles. Anchors are always located within these yellow circles and will be housed inside of an Anchor Plug. Players can pick up the Anchors from these Plugs, but it will cause strange phenomena to begin occurring all around the Plug and damage them slowly over time.
How to Use Anchors in Pacific Drive

To use Anchors in Pacific Drive, players must pick them up from their Anchor Plugs and place them into the Ark Device in their car. The car will absorb the Anchor and allow players to use it to open a portal back to their safe haven, the garage.
Once players insert an Anchor into the Ark Device, its map will display points where players can generate exit portals. Once players choose an exit portal and activate it, a storm will be triggered in the surrounding area. Players must escape the storm through the portal before it consumes them. this is the only way to leave an area and return to the garage since roads change each time they’re used.
Why You Should Collect Anchors in Pacific Drive

The reason players should collect Anchors in Pacific Drive is because they’re told to by the scientist Oppy early on. This scientist character doesn’t reveal why players should see more and more Anchors than is absolutely necessary to the Ark Device, but it’s clear that they want to get as many as possible for some reason.
We suspect that there’s a reward for gathering a certain number of Anchors and potentially a hidden questline for players to uncover. We’ll update this article as soon as we discover more while playing through the game.