Destiny 2’s Season of the Wish has arrived with a new round of content for you to enjoy. For this Season, you’ll be working alongside Mara Sov as you attempt to convince Riven to grant the Witch Queen’s final, hidden wish.
You’ll be doing this in the Wishing All the Best seasonal quest. This is one you’ll be working through each week, with consistent updates every Tuesday when Destiny 2 resets for every player. Here’s what you need to know about completing every quest in Destiny 2‘s Wishing All the Best.
How to Unlock Wishing All the Best Quest in Destiny 2
You can start the Wishing all the Best Quest in Destiny 2 by finishing the Final Wish quest.
At the onset of Season of the Wish, you’ll be taken directly to Dreaming City to start the quest Final Wish. Once you beat this quest, you’ll then be tasked with visiting Mara Sov at the H.E.L.M. Once you talk to her, Part 2 of the quest Final Wish will conclude, and the Queensfoil Censer artifact will unlock. This will give you the Wishing All the Best quest.
All Wishing All the Best Steps in Destiny 2

There are 55 quest steps for this mission in Destiny 2, and not all of them will be available at the start of the Season of the Wish. Instead, these will be unlocked as you progress through the story and more activities become available.
Wishing All the Best Step 1
You’ll first have to speak with Riven, the one holding all the cards for this Season. You can find them beyond the portal, to the right of Mara’s throne on the H.E.L.M.
Wishing All the Best Step 2
After speaking with Riven, make your way into their lair. They’ve hidden several eggs you must secure throughout the lair, hopefully convincing Riven that the two of you can work together. You can start his missing by opening up the H.E.L.M.’s menu and clicking on Riven’s Lair.
Wishing All the Best Step 3
Once you’ve gone through Riven’s Lair, it’s time to make your way back to the H.E.L.M. to track down the holoprojector and speak with Petra about what happened at the end of the previous mission.
Wishing All the Best Step 4
Learning what’s happened to Riven’s clutch, it’s time to go after them. The next step requires you to complete Blind Well runs in the Dreaming City, and if you complete them on a higher tier, then you can gain more progress.
Wishing All the Best Step 5
A new mission will appear called Polysemy, and this should allow you to retrieve one of Riven’s eggs. Make your way to the H.E.L.M. menu to start it up.
Wishing All the Best Step 6
After completing the Polysemy mission, it’s time to observe a conversation between Mara and Osiris. You can watch this happen in Mara’s throne room, inside the H.E.L.M.
Wishing All the Best Step 7
Once you’ve heard everything from Mara and Osiris, it’s time to make your way to Riven and speak with them. You can find them through the portal in Mara’s throne room.
Wishing All the Best Step 8
It’s time to wait a week for the next round of quests. We’ll see you next Tuesday, Guardians.
Wishing All the Best Step 9
It’s time to make our way back to the H.E.L.M. Rather than speaking with Mara, we’ll be going directly to Riven to start this week’s quest.
Wishing All the Best Step 10
Riven has informed us that another one of her eggs is about to be nearby. You’ll be able to grab it in the Tautology quest, which you can start immediately.
Wishing All the Best Step 11
Now you’ve completed Tautology, it’s time to make your way back to the H.E.L.M. There’s a holoprojector there where you can speak with Petra.
Wishing All the Best Step 12
For this step, make your way to the Dreaming City and then explore the Chamber of Starlight lost sector. You should be able to find it at the center of the map. You’ll need to defeat this boss at this location and then loot the chest to advance the quest.
Wishing All the Best Step 13
Now, it’s time to make your way back to the H.E.L.M where you’ll need to observe a discussion between Petra and Crow.
Wishing All the Best Step 14
Once you’ve watched Petra and Crow vanish away, make your way back upstairs to the holoprojector where you can speak with Osiris.
Wishing All the Best Step 15
After Osiris has told you what he’s learned about what the Witness did, you’ll need to make your way through the portal to speak with Riven.
Wishing All the Best Step 16
You’ve reached the end of this week’s quest. You’ll have to return next Tuesday to find more quests and what to expect for the upcoming story in Destiny’s 2 Season of the Wish.
Wishing All the Best Step 17
We’re back with another week of Destiny 2‘s Wishing All the Best quest, and to start us off, we’re going to make our way over to Riven to speak with them.
Wishing All the Best Step 18
After talking with Riven, it’s time to make our way to The Coil where we’re going to be gathering up Wishing Glass Shards with our fireteam, where we’re required to work together to calibrate the Starlight Lodestone.
Wishing All the Best Step 19
Once we’ve completed that mission, it’s time to make our way to the holoprojector on the H.E.L.M. where Petra has a message for us.
Wishing All the Best Step 20
Now that Petra has shared those details with us, we’re going to receive a mission in Destiny 2 called The Oracle Engine, we’ll need to complete that one to progress forward.
Wishing All the Best Step 21
The next mission we have to do is called Enthymeme in Destiny 2, and like the other, need to finish it to complete the rest of the quest.
Wishing All the Best Step 22
Now, after those missions have been completed, make your way back to the H.E.L.M and there is a quick exchange you’ll need to observe.
Wishing All the Best Step 23
Osiris will want to speak with you after you observe the conversation, and you can him at the holoprojector on the H.E.L.M.
Wishing All the Best Step 24
The last thing you have to do this week is speak with Riven, who is waiting for you beyond the portal.
Wishing All the Best Step 25
Mara Sov will let us know when we’re ready to find another of the Ahamkara eggs, and you’ll need to wait until the next Destiny 2 reset on Tuesday to find out what happens next.
Wishing All the Best Step 26
And we’re back with another week of missions! It’s time to make our way to Riven to speak with her about the next steps for Destiny 2‘s Wishing All the Best quest.
Wishing All the Best Step 27
You will need to go out of your way to complete the Apophasis mission in Riven’s Lair, and then you can continue forward.
Wishing All the Best Step 28
It’s time to make your way back to base and speak with Crow at the H.E.L.M.
Wishing All the Best Step 29
Now that you’ve spoken with Crow, it’s time to make your way to the Starcrossed Exotic mission and launch it.
Wishing All the Best Step 30
After completing the Starcrossed mission, make your way back to the H.E.L.M. to speak with Riven.
Wishing All the Best Step 31
This week’s missions have been completed, and you will have a chance to return to them during the next reset.
Wishing All The Best Step 32
We’ve returned to the next round of missions in Destiny 2 for Wishing All the Best. You will need to make your way to Riven, and speak with her.
Wishing All The Best Step 33
After you’ve talked with Riven, it’s to make your way to the Synchysis mission, and launch it.
Wishing All The Best Step 34
Now that you’ve completed the Synchysis mission, make your way back to the H.E.L.M., and speak with Mara Sov about what’s been happening.
Wishing All The Best Step 35
The way you go about completing this task will be that you need to complete an Ascendant Challenge. You can do this by making your way to an Ascendant Challenge portal and consuming a Tincture of Queensfoil to become Ascendant. You can speak with Petra about that Tincture.
Wishing All The Best Step 36
You can now make your way to the holoprojector at the H.E.L.M to speak with Petra.
Wishing All The Best Step 37
For this task, make your way through Riven’s Lair or The Coil where you’ll need to cleanse the recently recaptured egg for Riven.
Wishing All The Best Step 38
You will now need to make your way to Riven and speak with them about the recent changes regarding Mara and Osiris.
Wishing All The Best Step 39
After you’ve gone through all that, it’s time to make your way to the holoprojector to speak with Osiris.
Wishing All The Best Step 40
The final task for this week will be to speak with Riven, who will have some closing words for you.
Wishing All The Best Step 41
You will need to wait until Mara Sov summons you again to continue working on Destiny 2‘s Wishing All The Best mission.
Wishing All The Best Step 42
A new week has arrived in Destiny 2, and it’s time to begin searching for Riven to kick off the next round of missions.
Wishing All The Best Step 43
After speaking with Riven, seek out Crow, who will be waiting for you in his usual spot on the H.E.L.M.
Wishing All The Best Step 44
Now that you’ve talked with Crow, Petra wants a word with you at the holoprojector on the H.E.L.M.
Wishing All The Best Step 45
The primary target you have this week will be taking out Vex Oracles in the Spine of Keres, Harbinger’s Seclude, and the Gardens of Eslia locations.
Wishing All The Best Step 46
You will need to make your way to the Dreaming City and work on a round of Blind Well activities.
Wishing All The Best Step 47
Now that you’ve finished with the Blind Well, it’s time to make your way to Mara’s Throne.
Wishing All The Best Step 48
The next stop you need to make is to seek out Crow. He has a plan for what you need to do next and is eager to share it with you.
Wishing All The Best Step 49
The final thing you will need to do to close out this week is make your way to the H.E.L.M. to speak with Riven.
Wishing All The Best Step 50
Mara Sov will reach out to you when she’s ready for the final steps of the Wishing All the Best mission in next week’s Destiny 2 reset.
We will be updating this guide.
The new Destiny 2 season is upon us, which means new quests and new gear to grab. Check out our guide on how to complete Riven’s wishes I in Destiny 2 to get extra help in the game.