The Iconoclast is an Elusive Target in Hitman World of Assassination that players would do well to respect. Joanne Bayswater is in Mendoza to acquire some new clients for her agency, a rival to the ICA, and it’s down to Agent. 47 to stop her in her tracks.
The key with this Elusive Target is that they can see through Agent 47’s disguises, making it nearly impossible for him to sneak up on her. Killing the target requires skill and cunning, and a lot of forward planning. In this guide, we’ll cover how to complete this mission with the rank of Silent Assassin.
Related: Hitman World of Assassination: How to Complete the Oh, Deer Feat
Elusive Target Warning

Before we start, note that this mission is very different from Escalations or user-generated Contracts. Once players start it, they’ll have one chance to complete it. It’s possible to restart and replan the mission as many times as a player wants until they start completing objectives.
The only objective for this mission is killing the target, so once she’s dead, players can’t restart. We recommend practicing the route without killing the target a couple of times to get used to any issues that might come Agent 47’s way. Then, once comfortable with it, players can proceed with a true run and kill them.
We want to make this route as approachable as possible. With that in mind, players don’t need to use any items that require unlocking. Instead, they can use the default starting location and default loadout for Agent 47.
Step 1: Become a Waiter
The first thing players need to do is grab the waiter disguise. Since the starting location is in the car park, they’ve also got to get into the party first. To do this, sneak around the smoking guest in the middle of this area and take their invitation.

Below is a map reference for this invitation.

With an invitation in hand, head to the guards and show it to them. This will let Agent 47 into the party. Players now need to make their way up to the top floor of the exterior of the party. This is where there is a bar and a few covered tables.
Once you’re up there, it’s important to keep to the left of the area. The target is dressed in white, standing against the balcony. If she starts to move, then players will need to restart. For this route to work, she needs to remain still until we trigger her movement.
To get a waiter disguise, hop inside the large planter on the left-hand side, where a waiter is conveniently leaning against the low wall. Subdue him and dress up in his disguise.

Below is a map reference for this disguise.

Step 2: Get the Poison
Now that you’re dressed as a waiter, it’s time to pick up some poison. Drop Agent 47’s pistol in the flowers and head up the stairs to your right. You’ll need to get frisked at the top, but without the pistol, you’ll pass through easily. Head up the stairs at the front of the house and turn right along the veranda. Follow this path, and you’ll soon see a drainpipe that you can climb.

Below is a map reference for this drainpipe.

Once players have climbed the drainpipe, they’ll be trespassing. This means that they need to be aware of any NPCs in the area at all times. Don’t let them see Agent 47. For the poison, players need to vault the balcony and head inside the apartment. They need to find the bathroom door to the right of the bed.

Below is a map reference for the bathroom door.

Pick up the car key on the bedside table before going in. This is important for exiting the area. Agent 47 can find some lethal pills inside the bathroom near the window. Take them, then return to the party along the same route used to find the poison.
Step 3: Poison the Food
Once Agent 47 is at the party, he needs to poison some food. Find the bar with the wine on it. This should be near the doors that lead into the winery on this same rooftop level. To the left of this location is some food, but it’s guarded by a waiter who will see through the waiter disguise. When the waiter isn’t looking at Agent 47 way, have him flip a coin to his right to draw his attention away from the food.

When players have successfully diverted the waiter’s attention, poison the food with the lethal pills. Now it’s time to get things started.
Head over to the target and start their patrol. Players can do this by walking up to them. After that, they’ll go about their routine and will eat the poisoned food.

See below for a map reference for the target.

From here, players can head to the car exit, up in the villa car park, as soon as they’ve triggered the target’s patrol. Alternatively, they can hang out at one of the tables to watch her die. Lethal pills count as an accidental kill, so even though everyone will find the body, it won’t affect the Silent Assassin rating.
Alternative Speedrun Method
We do have a second option for those who want to get an extremely quick kill on this target. For this, players need to start with a tranquilizer gun and lethal syringe in the Tasting Room starting location. As soon as they start the mission, run up to the target. There’s no particular rush since she’ll stay still until they trigger her patrol.

As soon as players reach the target, wait for both her and her bodyguard to turn away. This is when Agent 47 needs to shoot the bodyguard with the tranquilizer gun. Since this counts as an accident, players won’t suffer in their score. They’ll also need to shoot the man on the bench nearby with the tranquilizer gun. Otherwise, he’ll see what Agent 47 is about to do.

With both of these witnesses out of the way, sneak up to the target and use the lethal syringe to kill her. This counts as an accident as well, so her body being found doesn’t kill a player’s score. After this, any exit will work.
The key with this method is speed. Players must take out both potential witnesses and the target before they get too close to the rest of the NPCs in the area. If they don’t, people will see them killing the target, and that Silent Assassin rank will be gone forever.