While experimenting with the best seeds for The Long Drive, players will come across some of the most unbelievable roads imaginable. Each one presents a fantastic opportunity for a road trip, and none of them are straightforward.
Many will know The Long Drive as a survival driving game that has been gaining in popularity since its early access release in late 2019. Players can explore a randomly generated post-apocalyptic desert with a variety of vehicles and survival challenges. A nice feature of the game is the ability to use seeds to change how the map is generated. Here is a list of our favorite seeds to use when playing the game. Each one will give players a fun and unique experience with plenty of room to explore.
Related: The Long Drive: Multiplayer & Co-op Guide
What are The Best Seeds to Explore in The Long Drive?
Every seed in The Long Drive is unique, offering players something different from the seeds they’ve played previously. In this list, we’ve compiled some of the best seeds in the game and explained what makes them worth playing.
The Best Flat Seed: 1958123679
This map is almost entirely flat. For players who like to just drive aimlessly or want a lot of space to play around in for stunts and controls, this is the perfect seed. It provides a near-endless plain for players to do as they please. This is great for just relaxing and killing time.
The Best Seed for a Yellow Car: -1880008500
If players want to secure themselves a fun car in The Long Drive for the massive journey, then they should find something stylish. There are few cars that fit the bill better than the yellow one not far from the spawn in this seed. Just watch out for the NPC, who won’t be too happy about you taking it.
The Best Seed for Steep Hills: -1908366339
With this map in The Long Drive, players will find a land full of steep hills. Players may need to keep an eye out for extra resources to handle the uphill climb, but the drop from the top can be a lot of fun. This is a good map for experimenting or for just having a change of scenery.
 The Best Seed for a Challenging Drive: -150455473
This is a good map for players that want a challenge. The road is covered in rocks, turning it into a fun obstacle course. If players aren’t careful when navigating this map, they may end up leaving parts strewn behind their car.
The Best Seed for Spawning Near a Tanker: -2108625799
This seed for The Long Drive has a tanker ship right near the spawn for players to explore. If the ship is open, anyone can find barrels of resources like gas, oil, and water. It’s possible to get plenty of fuel and other resources early on, giving players more time to explore the map.
The Best Seed From the Developer: 1896490792
This is a map that was found by Genesz, the game’s creator. The map features a vast mountainous terrain that players will need to negotiate. It’s a map that is both challenging and a lot of fun to get through.
The Best Seed for a Long Drive: 144000
This is a fun map to use for long mindless drives. The majority of the map is a flat plain. It ends on a steep hill or mountain to nowhere. The map doesn’t have anything interesting besides the sudden ascent. Flat maps like this one give players a lot of room to play around in almost any way they want.
The Best Seed for Mansions: -1477590635
This is the best seed in The Long Drive for players who want to spawn close to mansions. There are two close to where the player spawns, meaning they can drive over and check out what’s inside from the word go. Rarely does anyone get to start their time in a game so close to two incredibly large houses.
The Best Seed for Infinite Vehicles: 970781782
This seed will spawn players near a warehouse with vehicles inside. Since seeds do not affect vehicle spawn rates or conditions in The Long Drive, players can potentially get any vehicle in any condition with each use of this seed.
The Best Seed for Tanker Ships: 1028973171
This seed is packed with tanker ships, which makes for a very interesting playthrough. Players can explore each one if they want, or just enjoy the endless drive past abandoned boats on a relatively flat map. Stick on a post-apocalyptic podcast, and everyone’s in for a good time.
The Best Seed for Buildings: 1912821
This seed is a map with a decent number of buildings that regularly pop up as players drive. It’s a nice experience because they can stop when they want to without too much pressure to keep an eye on resource levels.
The Best Seed for a Trabant 601: 580082268
Players get a Trabant 601 as their starting car on this seed. That’s all that’s special about it, but for those of you who are desperate for a road trip in one, this is the seed needed.
The Best Seed for a VAZ 2101: 1419207962
As with the above seed, the only thing that makes this one special is the starting car. Players get a VAZ 2101 with this seed, so don’t look anywhere else if this is the desired vehicle. When players have done a road trip in everything else, sometimes they just need a change of car.
The Best Seed for a Gas Station: 1998203306
Gas stations can be few and far between in The Long Drive, but this seed has players covered. Around 500 feet from the spawn point, players will find themselves stumbling across a gas station where they can get everything they need.